Qari Travel Services


1 Day
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Trip Overview

1 Day Jinja visit is one of the most famous Uganda bundles/agendas. It is a magnificent choice for families, the individuals who have proactively visited the public stops or are in the country for a studio/excursion for work. The 1-day Jinja city visit offers both nearby and global sightseers an opportunity to investigate one of the most picturesque urban communities in Uganda and all the significant vacation destinations in Jinja. While venturing out to Jinja, you will have various stops to investigate different focal points, for example, Mabira woodland and the Ssezibwa falls.

Trip Highlights

  • Visiting Mabira timberland and going for a wilderness or covering walk
  • Visiting the Sezibwa Falls
  • A thorough visit through Jinja town
  • Visiting the wellspring of the Nile
  • Visiting the Kalagala falls
  • Discretionary exercises like bungee bouncing, wilderness boating, tubing the Nile, quad trekking or horseback riding, A boat rides


Day 1 :
Day 1

Our driver guide will get you from Entebbe, Kampala or Jinja around the start of the day (6:30am). Pickup can be from your home, motel or any point. The driver/Guide will take you through the program of the day and let you in on what the future holds. After the arrangement, the driver will start the outing to Jinja if pickup was in Kampala/Entebbe. As you travel towards Jinja, participate in the uncommon points of view on Kampala and its rustic regions. Most likely everything that could be been bought on the way and especially in a notable economical food market in Namawojolo.

One day Jinja city visit to Sezibwa Falls:

The fundamental stop will be at the surprising Sezibwa falls - 20 miles from Kampala. The falls are made as the stream Ssezibwa falls down a social affair of rocks. These beautiful falls are pleasant supernatural occurrences as well as a huge social site for people of Buganda. On showing up at the Sezibwa falls, an inhabitant Guide will take you around the site. Take a gander at the astounding perspective and participate in the cool air around the falls. You will be taken for a move to the most elevated mark of the surrenders to shockingly better viewpoints and significant opportunities to take photos. The Sezibwa falls is a birders paradise with creature gatherings such a Cormorants, Great Blue Turacos, Striped Kingfishers, White-throated Bee-eaters, Woodland Kingfishers among others.

1-day Jinja City Tour in Uganda the Ssezibwa falls are also home to three kinds of primates, butterflies, cobras, green Mambas, reptiles, mongoose and otters. Accepting time grants and you are captivated; you can interest to be assumed to a blessed position at the most elevated mark of the tumbles to learn about the arrangement of encounters and legends incorporating the course of action of the asylum. Bits of gossip have spread all over proposing that the falls were made by spirits that chose to settle at the stream Sezibwa. Because of that numerous people visit the occupant witch-experts to perform relinquishes and gain favor/gifts from the heavenly creatures.

Mabira Forest:

After the Sezibwa falls, the accompanying stop is the Mabira woods. Mabira is the greatest rainforest in central Uganda. It covers an area of around 300 square kilometers and is home to out of date 1-day Jinja wellspring of the Nile visit trees, 219 sorts of butterflies, 316 kinds of birds, reptiles, blooms and moths. Mabira is in like manner home to little primates like the Gray-cheeked Mangabeys, Red-followed and Vervet monkeys. One can in like manner recognize squirrels, bushbucks and forest duikers. While in Mabira, you will be away for a nature walk which expects around 2 hours. Then again, you can choose to go for Zip-lining. Zip-lining licenses you to get an ethereal viewpoint on the forest and notice occupant creatures like birds or primates. Ensuing to completing your visit through Mabira, the driver will continue with the trip towards Jinja. As you approach Jinja, you will evade the enormous sugarcane and tea houses in Lugazi.

Jinja Town Tour:

At the point when you show up at Jinja, you will be invested in some opportunity for a little while through the town. Beforehand and following Uganda's opportunity, Jinja town had a huge Asian people. They were in charge 1 day visit to Jinja of most of the associations and organizations in the town. Exactly when president Idi Amin of Uganda removed them, the endeavors were left in the ownership of natural individuals who had relationship with the public authority by then. Huge quantities of the organizations fell anyway some have now been revived. During your visit through the city, you will be taken to see a piece of the organizations that were once notable for giving things to all countries of East Africa. Beside the endeavors, there is also the old Asian-style structures which were worked during the trailblazer times.

The Source of the Nile:

Directly following visiting the town, our driver guide will invest in some opportunity for lunch at a suitable bistro around. The accompanying objective will be to visit the wellspring of the stream Nile. The wellspring of the Nile is arranged where the stream Nile passes on Lake Victoria and starts its long outing to the Mediterranean Sea in 1 day visit through Jinja Egypt. You won't simply take a boat to the particular wellspring of the Nile yet furthermore further to Lake Victoria and a couple of magnificent islands. The entire area has surprising perspective and you could go through the whole day pondering little islands, fishers throwing their nets or neighborhood individuals washing pieces of clothing along the stream banks. Birders will be astonished with species available like Cormorants, Egrets, Fish Eagles and Pelicans. Directly following visiting the wellspring of the Nile by boat, you will forestall to buy present from likely the best expert shops in the country.

Kalagala Falls:

This will be the accompanying target right after visiting the wellspring of the Nile. The Kalagala falls are known for whitewater sailing and other water sports like tubing the Nile or rowing. Directly following visiting these falls, you will start the outing back to Kampala or Entebbe.

Alternative Activities

White water rafting:

This is one the most well-known adrenaline bringing practices up in Jinja. Jinja is apparently presumably the best spot to go for wild sailing in Africa. Inestimable explorers visit the town 1-day Jinja city visit Uganda just to experience the strong rapids of the Nile in their full stream. Truly, at some point in the past Jinja was among the fundamental whitewater drifting protests in the world. The Nile River in Jinja had a couple of grades 4, 5 and 6 rapids at this point these have been decreased until the public authority decided to wreck a part of the rapids to make power dams. Wild drifting in Jinja can be facilitated as a half or whole day activity. Before the completion of the activity, you would have an uncommon appreciation for the brilliant scene incorporating the Nile, the dumbfounding rapids, birdlife, different primate species and fundamentally more.

1-day Jinja city visit Quad Biking:

While Quad traveling is transforming into a run of the mill activity in different bits of the country, the one in Jinja is unprecedented considering the way that it is planned to allow individuals participate in the awesome view incorporating the Nile. Quad journeying in Jinja grants travelers a chance to experience among networks living close to the stream Nile. The bike trails go through town develops, the stream banks and fixes of boondocks. Before the completion of the activity, you would have had close encounters with the local people and appreciated how they approach their ordinary schedules.

1-day Jinja visit Bungee jumping:

Bungee Jumping is a conclusive adrenaline raising development. In Jinja, the activity incorporates jumping towards the Nile from a zenith which is around 44 meters high. A rope is tied around the lower leg of a part with the objective that they don't fall into the water. The jump expects around two minutes and can be figured out both around evening time and in the day. Bungee Jumping in Jinja was closed in 2019 anyway there is believe that it will be relaunched in 2021.

Different exercises:

Beside the activities analyzed above, explorers’ importance to book this 1-day Jinja visit can similarly pick Kayaking, a dusk venture, horse riding, tubing the Nile, rowing or visiting one of the fountains.

Tour Inclusion and Exclussion

This I-day Jinja visit incorporates: -

Lunch and filtered water

Transport, fuel and an English-Speaking Guide

Visiting Mabira backwoods for a nature walk or Zip-lining

Visiting the wellspring of the Nile

Visiting Jinja town

Pickup and drop-off at the air terminal

The 1-day Jinja city visit avoids: -

Individual costs like tips to the Guides


Air tickets and Visa

Travel and Medical Insurance


For you to have the best understanding while on this particular Jinja visit, you truly need to pack a fair camera to get the memories, a cap to protect you from the sun's bars, a bug repellent to keep off mosquitoes in the forest and stream Nile. You similarly need Light articles of clothing to avoid pointless sweating, shades to safeguard your eyes from the sun's pillars and sunscreen in case it gets unreasonably rankling


  • Lunch and filtered water
  • Transport, fuel and an English-Speaking Guide
  • Visiting Mabira backwoods for a nature walk or Zip-lining
  • Visiting the wellspring of the Nile
  • Visiting Jinja town
  • Pickup and drop-off at the air terminal


  • Individual costs like tips to the Guides
  • Convenience
  • Air tickets and Visa
  • Travel and Medical Insurance

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